1km0 regenerating corviale

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Consultancies -

Design Team ma0 studio d’architettura Arch. Ketty Di Tardo Arch. Alberto Iacovoni Arch. Luca La Torre con Arch. Aleksandra Budaeva Arch. Sanne de Vries Arch. Domenica Fiorini Arch. Calosa Kadim Stalker Arch. Francesco Careri Arch. Lorenzo Romito Arco’ – società cooperativa Arch. Alessio Battistella Arch. Luca Trabattoni Ing. Diego Torriani Arch. Sara Braschi Arch. Emanuela Di Felice Arch. Olimpia Fiorentino Arch. Maria Rocco Serena Olcuire Emanuele Caporrella Andrea Valentini Natalia Agati Ing. Francesco Novelli, strutturista Dott. Rossella Viola, sociologa

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Our proposal recognizes Corviale as a case scenario for the issues the contemporary city is now facing. A "brand", "Brand Corviale", that, together with the public spaces defined by regulation, will be controlled by start-ups who deal with social issues and with the local communities, from organizations, institutions, and firms with which we aim to create a yard for the regeneration not only of the built environment but also cultural, economic and social of this big cathedral of modernity. Corviale will pass from being the picture of a negative image of every outskirt to a lab of urban excellence. A process that will transform the “Serpentone” from border line between contradictions of the city in teaching lab, in a concrete example of circular economy. So, in parallel to the division of the building in vertical condos, the ground floor space and the garages space will be freed together with the monumental staircases, before finding a definitive use, they will constitute the base on which the rehabilitation process will be realized and maintained with sustainable strategies and technologies, produced and transformed at (1)km0. The social imprint of this yard will draw such spaces and their use. The financing will be used to create professional, academic and cultural activities with which the project will develop.

ARCò Architettura & Cooperazione - P.Iva/C.F. 07814900960