Cartoni in mostra

Location -

Lodi, New public library

Year -


Client -

Ge.Co. Genitori consapevoli

Donor -

Consultancies -

Total Cost -

150 €

Duration -

2 days


The project involves the installation of a photo exhibition divided into three types of images which correspond to three types of display. The main pictures, made by the photographer Mario Linares, are held on a system of recycled cardboard tubes, placed on the floor and wedged in the existing structure. The tubes are partially joined together with screws and bolts, but thanks to their weight they constitute a stable and resistant object. A part of the photos are placed on the edges of irregular tubes. A second series of pictures, smaller, are transformed into a spider web, defining a wall of pictures, made with string and paper clips. Another "spiderweb", placed 50 cm from the ceiling and falling to 2.20 is carrying pictures of the members of the association, giving more intimacy and warmth to the exhibition space.

ARCò Architettura & Cooperazione - P.Iva/C.F. 07814900960