eco-playground for Dkaika

Location -

Dkaika, Palestine

Year -


Client -

Vento di Terra NGO

Donor -

Consultancies -

Total Cost -

30.000 €

Duration -


The process of involving the local Dkaika bedouin community has brought to the realization of a playground and the re-qualification of some classrooms of the primary school. The starting points were local resources, recycled materials and cheap low tech technologies. The project has involved the rehabilitation of one of the school's classroom that has been made accessible from the outside through the creation of a movable wall. By exploiting the natural ventilation, it was possible to improve the thermal comfort inside the classroom. The construction of a system of shields in river reeds has helped to avoid the overheating of the walls. The project also includes a large playground, partially underground in order to create seating areas.

ARCò Architettura & Cooperazione - P.Iva/C.F. 07814900960